A pioneer in the local education landscape since its inception in 1970, The Community Group (TCG) remains an active partner in the next phase of education reform.
The organization has launched charter schools; collaborated with the local school district on multiple programs, including a school turnaround effort; delivered high quality early learning and out of school time programs; collaborated with educators and administrators to deliver training programs; and managed programs that support access to early education and care. TCG is one of seven organizations in the country recognized by the U.S. Department of Education with the Charter Collaboration Award in recognition of collaboration with the local school district. Programs of The Community Group note the following examples of outstanding program achievements.
Community Day Charter Public School-Prospect
- Designated a Massachusetts Compass School by the MA Department of Education
- Received the Excellence in Education Award from National Center for Urban School Transformation
- Designated a High Flying School by the Education Trust
- Designated a Title I Commendation School for high gains in student achievement
- Ranked in the Top Two Percent of Elementary Schools for high academic achievement of Hispanic students
- Selected to participate in Keeping the Promise, an effort to identify and disseminate the best practices of successful charter schools
- Profiled in the Harvard University publication Inside Urban Charter Schools: Promising Practices and Strategies in Five High-Performing Schools
- Featured in the documentary film Beating the Odds: Inside Five Urban Charter Schools
- Received the Silver-gain EPIC Award (Effective Practice Incentive Community) from New Leaders for New Schools for five consecutive years
- Founding member and first president of the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association
- Partnered with MATCH to open MATCH Community Day Public Charter School in Boston in fall 2011
- Opened two new charter schools, Community Day Charter Public School-Gateway and Community Day Charter Public School-R. Kingman Webster, in Lawrence in fall 2012
- Selected to replicate the successful practices of Community Day Charter School at Community Day Arlington Elementary School (launched in fall 2012), a turnaround effort that represents a partnership with Lawrence Public Schools
- Chosen as a 2015 National Title I Distinguished School
Community Day Learning
- The first programs in Lawrence accredited by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) and NAA (National After School Association)
- Developed the first Family Child Care system in Greater Lawrence and was the first to offer professional development in Spanish in collaboration with local colleges
- Received the Horizons of Hope Award from the Massachusetts Department of Social Services
- Granted the Children's Award from the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- Awarded FCC Provider of the Year from the Massachusetts Association of Child Care Agencies
- Recognized with the Children's Advocate Award from the Child Welfare League of America
- Sent founding member and past president to the Massachusetts Association of Early Education and Care (MADCA)
Child Care Circuit
- Collaborated with child/parent expert Dr. T. Berry Brazelton
- Featured on the Today Show and ABC Evening News as well as Inflight News on American Airlines
- Trains more than 700 adult educators annually
- Employs training specialists who are leaders in the state in providing training services in Spanish for early education and care providers.
Community Partners Initiative
- Provided data analysis and training in data-driven instructional practices for more than 1,000 public school teachers
- Selected as a collaborator with Harvard researchers on the Massachusetts Charter School Dissemination and Replication project