Welcome to Community Day Charter Public School 

In September 1995, Community Day Charter Public School, one of the first charters awarded in Massachusetts, opened with an initial enrollment of 112 students in kindergarten through third grade. In each successive year of the first five-year charter (1995-2000), the school added grades until reaching the maximum K-8 enrollment of 306. In June 2000, the school’s first class of eighth-grade students graduated. In 2007-2008, school enrollment increased to 331 students in accordance with an amendment to the school’s charter.

In the fall of 2012, Community Day Charter Public School reopened as Community Day Charter Public School-Prospect with the opening of two new CDCPS schools, Community Day Charter Public School-Gateway and Community Day Charter Public School-R. Kingman Webster. CDCPS-Gateway and CDCPS-R. Kingman Webster each opened with 120 students in kindergarten through first grade and expanded to 400 students in kindergarten through grade 8 in 2019. 

In 2022, the Massachusetts Department of Education approved the merger of CDCPS-Prospect, CDCPS-Gateway, and CDCPS-R. Kingman Webster, and as of July 1, 2022, CDCPS operates as one school.  Our schools have always operated as a cohesive network, so this has and will not affect the everyday life of our students, staff, and families.  It does ease the operational management of the schools, as well as simplify the application and lottery process for incoming families. 

Weather notice: If programs of The Community Group are closed or changed due to weather, an alert will pop up on this page.


As part of the federal government’s American Rescue Plan, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has given CDCPS schools ESSER III Funds (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III) funds.  They are aimed at supporting student learning, health, and emotional well-being in the FY22, FY23, and FY24 school years to address the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following links highlight how CDCPS-Prospect intends to use these funds.

School Lunch Calendar 2024-25

 Calendario de almuerzos escolares

September /Septiembre 

News & Announcements