Charter public schools operate independently of local school districts and school committees and are governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees comprised of parents and community members. The Board is responsible for ensuring the school’s faithfulness to the charter, academic success, and organizational viability in addition to following the same laws and rules as district public schools.
The state considers the Board a public body and as such the Board is subject to the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. Meetings of the Board and its Committees are open to the public except for Executive Session as allowed by law. Agendas for Board and Committee meetings will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
Unless otherwise noted, Board meetings are held on Wednesdays, from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm.
TCG Training & Workforce Development Office: 1 Union Street, Suite 300, 3rd Floor, Lawrence, MA
Parking is available in the Island Street parking lot, and you enter the building through the door at the back of the lot that says, “Registry of Deeds”.
The Community Day Charter Public School (CDCPS) Board of Trustees desires that members of the CDCPS school community attend their meetings so that they may become better acquainted with the operations and programs at CDCPS.
The Board welcomes public comment on matters within its purview and provides an opportunity at Board meetings during a Public Comment period for the public to do so. Consistent with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, the Board does not permit comments/questions during a discussion of the planned agenda.
To ensure the ability of the Board to conduct business in an orderly manner and allow those who wish to comment to do so, the following procedures have been adopted consistent with state and federal laws:
1. Persons wishing to comment must submit their request by 4:00 pm the day before the meeting by with their first and last name, affiliation with CDCPS, and the subject of the comment.
- A written comment to the Board may also be submitted to the same email address.
2. Speakers may only comment when recognized by the Chair. Before beginning remarks, speakers should provide their first and last names and affiliations with CDCPS.
3. Comments are a maximum of three minutes.
- Only matters that are within the scope of the Board’s authority can be addressed.
- The discussion of matters relating to specific individuals is expressly prohibited.
4. All speakers are expected to present their remarks respectfully.
5. The Board will listen to comments; speakers should not expect the Board to respond to comments that same evening.
Upcoming Meetings
* Remote and Hybrid Meetings are allowed by law until March 31, 2025. After this date Remote and Hybrid Meetings are subject to change to in person meetings if the state does not extend permission to allow for Remote and Hybrid meetings.